Seasonal Cuisine

You might know that the SLOW Food movement originated in Italy, and who knows more about the art of eating well? Here are two great acronyms to help you remember what and how to eat – i.e. SLOW food.

Seasonal. Local. Organic. Whole.

When we eat in harmony with the seasons, we appreciate the bioenergies, blessings and challenges of that season, and eat accordingly.  The absolutely perfect foods we need are the one that are available in that season… slightly bitter, tender greens in Spring, ripe, juicy fruits in Summer, nutrient-dense squashes in Autumn, and healthy fat-rich foods in Winter.  Go for local and organic as much as possible. The impact on your health will be enormous, once you stop ingesting so many toxins, like glyphosate. Go for whole foods too. The information in whole foods provides not only nutrients, but actual signals that regulate our gene expression.

Sensuous. Lovingly prepared. Overflowing with awareness and gratitude.  With a measure of good company (or silence).

Buy the best quality foods you can afford. Eat the rainbow, and make your food beautiful, textured, fragrant, flavorful, and nutritious. And find some signature dishes that are easy or fun to prepare. Serve in a lovely, relaxed setting. Then indulge in the full joy and pleasure of the experience. 

That’s what I call the Zen of eating.

Shown here, sauteed kale with carmelized onions and delicata squash, pomegranate seeds and toasted walnuts. A rainbow of seasonal fall treasures. Yum!